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Thank You for Joining Us at the Colorado Garden and Home Show!

Updated: Mar 6

Hello from Clark and Will! Thank you for visiting our booth and the Colorado Garden and Home Show. We are grateful for all of the support we received throughout the show, it was an absolute pleasure talking to each and every one of you. 

Exciting news: we’ve already begun fulfilling our first orders and look forward to providing Colorado families with a self sustaining option for year-round fresh produce! 


More exciting news: We will be making an appearance at several Farmers Markets and Festivals throughout Colorado beginning this May! Check us out at

  • Highlands Farmers Market

  • South Pearl Street Farmers Market

Follow our social media pages for the most up to date information regarding our current and future happenings!


Our first ever Garden Spotlight goes out to the Hayward and Arbogast families. Both gardens were planted about a month ago and are now going through their first harvest.

The Hayward garden boasts a large variety featuring Kale, Arugula, Lettuce Thyme, Basil, Beets, Radishes.

The Arbogast garden was planted and quickly put up to the ultimate test, a 30 day vacation to Florida. Upon returning home they were greeted with a full garden ready for harvest. It doesn't get better than that!

Hayward Family Garden (left) Arbogast Family Garden (right)


Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions! We’re committed to staying in touch with you all as we continue to grow and provide families a convenient solution for food independence.

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