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Getting your seeds started

Updated: Jun 20

To begin this process, make sure you have all the necessary means and materials. These include:

  • Rockwool (we recommend Grodan)

  • Seeds of choice (we recommend Johnny's Seeds, refer to ours or Johnny's Seeds list if you aren't sure what you want to grow).

  • 10" x 20" grow tray

  • Humidity dome

  • Access to a sink

  • Toothpick (optional)

Here's an Amazon link to garden consumables like germination domes and rockwool cubes.

Now that you have everything you need, start by determining how many seeds you want to germinate for your garden and pick apart that number of rockwool cubes from your rockwool slab.

Once you've thought that through, go ahead and soak your rockwool cubes. To do this, place your rockwool cubes into your 10" x 20" grow tray and run water over them in the sink for a couple minutes. Make sure your rockwool is thoroughly soaked. Make sure to pour out excess water from the grow tray after the rockwool has soaked.

Now that you've soaked your rockwool, place it into your 10" x 20" grow tray if you haven't yet. You'll notice each individual rockwool cube has an indentation/hole on the top. These are where the seeds go! Sometimes these holes might not be too easy to see, that's where a toothpick or something similar comes in handy. You can use the toothpick to find the small hole in the rockwool.

Go ahead and place your seeds into the small holes on the rockwool cubes (one seed per hole, with the exception of chives and other crops where you may want 2-3 seeds in one hole). You can use the toothpick again to make sure the seed is inside of the hole on the rockwool cube.

After you have finished placing all of your seeds in the rockwool, place the humidity dome on top of your 10" x 20" grow tray and place the tray in the Propagation & Micro-green area in your Indoor Garden.

The seeds typically take about 2 weeks before they're ready to be transferred into the garden.

Tip: Label the seeds you just germinated if you don't want to forget what it is!

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